

Financing SMEs and Entrepreneurs 2014: An OECD Scoreboard

Financing SMEs and Entrepreneurs 2014: An OECD Scoreboard

Financing SMEs and Entrepreneurs 2014: An OECD Scoreboard monitors SMEs’ and entrepreneurs’ access to finance in 31 countries over the period 2007-12, based on data from central banks and national statistical agencies. The Scoreboard includes core indicators of debt, equity and framework conditions for SME and entrepreneurship finance, along with information on public and private initiatives to support SME finance. Taken together, the set of indicators form a comprehensive framework for policy makers and other stakeholders to evaluate the financing needs of SMEs and determine whether they are being met. The Scoreboard also constitutes a valuable tool to support the design and evaluation of policy measures, and to monitor the implications of financial reforms on access to finance and financing conditions for SMEs.

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