
Providing highly practical content tailored to the issues faced by francophone African businesses and FIs

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Dialogues for change: Qamar Saleem on how the IFC empowers MSMEs
Dialogues for Change: Moubarak Moukaila on World Bank Partnerships for Green Investments in Africa
Dialogues for change: Paul Chahine on how partnerships promote sustainable investments in Africa
Dialogues for Change: Hania Dawood on how the World Bank empowers MSMEs
Dialogues for Change: Veronica Nyhan Jones on How IFC is Leading the Charge Against Global Warming
This first edition of the Green Finance Reference Guide (GFRG) aims to be a source of knowledge and best practice for the Green Bond practitioner.
Nature, underpinned by biologically diverse ecosystems, is critical to human survival, health, well-being, and economic prosperity.
The Green Bond Handbook is a step-by-step guide on how to prepare and execute a successful Green Bond issue for Financial Institutions.
To help financial institutions to translate sustainable finance principles to the operations they have with MSMEs, IFC Green Bond Technical Assistance Program (GB-TAP) has developed the Sustainable MSME Finance Reference Guide.