

Digital Banking and Beyond: the value of Personalization Enabling customer engagement by leveraging Open Finance for data-driven interactions

Digital Banking and Beyond: the value of Personalization Enabling customer engagement by leveraging Open Finance for data-driven interactions

Strands, a CRIF company, and PwC launched a report with an in-depth analysis on how customer habits, Open Finance and new players entering the financial services arena are revolutionizing the Digital Banking context.

The Digital Banking context is shifting, as new players are entering the financial services arena and threatening the position of incumbents. Customer habits have deeply changed over the last year, as new technologies are appearing to enable frictionless communication, and banks are handling more and more data.

Harvesting the full potential of this data will be a game changer for financial players, as it will unlock new opportunities to engage the customers and deliver concrete outcomes. The benefits of fully-exploited data include extending the customer base, better profiling (e.g., credit scoring), as well as creating new revenue streams.

Find the full report here.

Digital Financial Services