Our events
The SME Green Finance Community of Practice

In response to strong interests from members, the SME Finance Forum has launched the SME Green Finance Community of Practice (SMEGreenCoP) to allow experts and practitioners from member institutions to share knowledge and good practices in their respective areas with one another.
This will be the first meeting of our new SME Green Finance Community of Practice. The Green Finance CoP will act as a solutions clinic as our members explore and develop this next frontier of SME finance. At this first meeting, IFC colleagues will present the results of our green finance survey of the SMEFF membership which reveals the state, potential, and current principal obstacles to green finance for SMEs. In addition, two Members will present their green finance strategies, one with a highly developed green finance program and the other in its earliest stages.
Manfred Borer CEO Koltiva
Chinma George Head of Renewable Energy, FCMB Group Plc
CoP Chair Francisco Avendano - IFC Senior Operations Officer - CBDPT
Host - Matt Gamser CEO SME Finance Forum
Registration was open for members on Member's portal.