Christian Rodriguez-Torres

Christian Rodriguez-Torres

Christian is a financial services professional with over 20 years of experience providing advisory services in Africa, Asia, and the Americas.  His main areas of specialization include microfinance, SME banking and digital financial services.  He has been part of the IFC advisory teams since 2016, and he now acts as IFC’s FIG Upstream Advisory Financial Inclusion Practice Lead for Asia Pacific.  Under this role, Christian leads a wide range of projects related to foster financial inclusion of microentrepreneurs and SMEs.

During his professional life, he has provided his technical expertise to different advisory projects at financial services providers in Asia, Africa and Latin America -in particular around the areas of MSME banking strategy, digital product development, and banking operating model improvement.  Before joining the IFC, Christian was a manager for the digital banking practice at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), where he led the implementation of large digital banking platforms. Christian also worked at Accion International, a large global network of microfinance institutions. As a director of digital channels and strategy for Accion, he managed several advisory initiatives related to the use of mobile solutions, digital applications, and agent banking for microfinance services providers.

Christian holds an MBA from the George Washington University in Washington DC and has authored publications about the use of digital solutions for financial inclusion.   

Christian  Rodriguez-Torres
Practice Lead – Financial Inclusion, Asia Pacific - IFC
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